Oak Vivo Natural BOEN Parquet XL Herringbone Clear Oiled
Engineered 14/3.5 Herringbone 3-Ply 4V 5G Click
The Oak Transparent Vivo 14mm Herringbone Click Castle combines natural warmth with timeless elegance. Designed in a large herringbone format (14 x 209 x 1045 mm), this brushed oak flooring enhances the wood’s natural grain, while the transparent finish preserves its organic beauty. 4V beveled edges define each plank, emphasizing the classic pattern. With a durable 3.5 mm oak top layer and an easy-to-install 5G Click system, it’s both stylish and practical. Compatible with underfloor heating, it’s a perfect choice for refined, long-lasting interiors.
The Oak Animoso 13.2mm Plank 181 by Boen is a sophisticated engineered hardwood flooring that highlights the natural character of oak. Each plank meas..